Sunday, February 1, 2015

All right! Super cool!!

What's happening my peeps???

Welcome to:
All Right Super Cool

Your (yeah, U) portal to what is fresh, fly, dope, and delicious -- online and off.

Let's get busy

Let's look at some Korean honeys first:
No, the music ain't all that (good) but uhh...they got..."Talent", don't they?  Yeah they do, 니가!!!

Perhaps someone can tell me what they are singing about, not that I really care.  I just turn the sound off!  Does that make me bad?  SUPER-BAD!!!??????  That's what I'm talkin'bout, my peeps!

Movin' right along, now>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Now about a quote from Taisen Deshimaru, all right??  super cool!!
If you must try to explain the relationship between the mind, consciousness, and true ego, you can say it is like the relationship between the moon, its reflection, and the water in the stream.

So what can we say about that?  Apparently we have an ego problem!  Too much motion.  A lot of noise.  Hmm.  Stupid ego!  Bad ego!  No!!  Stop that~

You know folks, my peeps-a-ma-handra, you could do yourself a favor and read what else Deshimaru-Roshi has to say, and at that price, it's a no-brainer...  This is one of my all time faves, fo'shizzle.

So I watched "Interstellar" after listening to ALL the hype...and you know, it's _all right_, but not to the super cool level you'd think.  It seems to me that Hollywood has the hype-machine down to the point EVERYBODY is getting paid on the sly...oh it's the best thing since muthafckin sliced bread, blah blah blah.  It ain't.  But it's entertaining.  Predictable as hell though.  

I hate to say this, my brothers and sisters, but if this is REALLY all that in 2015, then Humanity is losing IQ fast from too much artificial sweeteners or something.  Movies used to be cerebral, ...for adults i mean.  This movie is capitalizing on not having enough (any) nudity or violence to CASH IN on the KIDS market, it's that simple.  So, they didn't make it deep enough.  Some of the effects were decent, but fuck man, what movie doesn't have effects these days??????????????  None.  They all do.  And that might be the root of the problem.  

Give me Alien any day...10000000% times better, but hey, that's for adults.  It's actually scary.  Actually philosophical.  Go watch that again instead of Interstellar, you will thank me.   Better everything and they spend 154 MILLION DOLLARS LESS on it too.  Golly G., that is a lotta bread.

Ok so what's REALLY goin' on?  That always in question but here's one thing:
Facebook is evil:  read this:

I never liked that Zuck character, and now I hate him.  He started bad, and now him and his minions are way worse.  It is just unreal how greedy these people are, and how little they care about human beings.  Good thing Hitler or Stalin or Mao didn't have these people, is all I can say.

If you feel like ARSC does, spread that widely.  Thanks.




  1. Replies
    1. You have to keep coming back to see more of the goodness that is's gonna be transcendant
